Industry Consortium to Accelerate COVID Testing Advances
Society is under great strain and grave danger from COVID0-19) The lack of testing, proven treatment, and sufficient understanding of how to contain its spread has been devasting. The shutting down of much of the economy is shattering the lives of millions who have lost businesses, their jobs and are now without income.
Testing is core to winning the COVID war. Entire economies and industries could rebound if the tests could be developed. Schools, travel, entertainment, and hospitality industries could reopen. Rapid, accurate and affordable tests would offer a hope for a return to normalcy. And this can happen by tapping into the ingenuity of our inventors, scientists and engineers.
Testing Consortium Formed
The Altru Virus Project is pursuing this approach by assembling the people and companies committed to this cause. The Testing Consortium will be comprised of a broad spectrum of those engaged and impacted. Testing companies, payors and providers and the leaders in the industries with the most at stake. They will learn about the testing advances that will enable a return to normalcy. And the group will help these ideas rapidly scale. Our goal is to support the ingenuity and creative genius.
The Group will sponsor the first Contagion Conference December 10th. It is now organizing.
The Contagion Conference on Testing
The Contagion Conference will look at the critical issues and challenges posed by COVID-19 and will present technologies and approaches that can enable society to open and avert the need for lockdowns. The December 10th Conference will present the latest research on how testing can control the spread of COVID-19. It will present the current commercial status of promising technologies. The event will kick off the formation of the Testing Consortium, a non-profit industry group committed to collaboration to accelerate progress.
University Research Consortium. Network of Scientists.
The Consortium will also tap into the many inventors and scientists that are not attached to a company but may have a breakthrough. They are the unknowns working in basements and garage labs who can access our research and collaboration platform that will provide direct connectivity to others working on related ideas.
Support of Existing Efforts.
NIH (National Institute of Health) RADx initiative has taken a leadership role. Their “Shark tank” approach to find breakthroughs is an exciting initiative. The Consortium will support this and provide in-depth and authoritative editorial coverage of RADx and the companies they are developing.
Our simple but critical function is communications that can foster the adoption of the best technologies. The Virus Project will help those companies scale as quickly by facilitate access to operational support and distribution.
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